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+971 52 664 4409 +971 50 413 3230 info@goldtrust-decor.com

حلول المنزل الذكي وإنترنت الأشياء

GOLD TRUST DECOR Interior Design got you covered! Our team of smart home interior designers in UAE knows how to deliver equally attractive and practical design solutions. All the technological lifestyle services will be advised, designed,
and installed

Smart Systems

Homeowners adore design that evokes positive emotions and accounts for their day-to-day needs. This implies that, as smart technology becomes a standard feature of luxury homes in the UAE, people are adamant on adding smart gadgets and automation devices into their home architecture and interior design.

Explore Our Smart System Services:

  • Smart Lights
  • Smart Outlets
  • Smart Garage
  • Smart IR Remote Control
  • Smart Voice Assistant Device
  • Smart Curtains
  • Smart DB
  • Smart Door Lock System